Scribbling Women
Barnes & Noble
Published by: That Book, Inc.
Release Date: January 27, 2014
Pages: 187
And so, dear reader, I married him.” I’ve written about true love in both fiction and nonfiction, within the royal houses of Europe and among the most famous, notorious names of the past few centuries. But until now, I’ve never told my own story.
It’s one that could have sprung from the pages of a novel.
In Scribbling Women and the Real-Life Romance Heroes Who Love Them, twenty-eight romance fiction writers from diverse subgenres reveal their real-life stories of how they met, wed and love—and are loved and supported by—their spouses and life partners. At times whimsical and laugh-out-loud funny, at others poignant and bittersweet, all unfailingly inspiring, each essay celebrates that most powerful and sacred of human bonds.
Happily Ever After isn’t only the stuff of romance novels and fairy tales. It is every woman’s birthright.
Note: Net sales from Scribbling Women will be donated to Women in Need (, founded February 14, 1983 to empower disadvantaged women and their children in New York City to build positive, independent lives and move forward into brighter futures.